What happens before the trial? Ka ahatia i mua i te whakawātanga.

There's a lot that happens leading up to the trial, including court appearances for the defendant (but not you, usually). Your police officer in charge or specialist support person will keep you informed, but there'll be times when progress might seem slow.

Closer to the time of the trial a Sexual Violence Victim Advisor will be in touch to offer you support and to organise a visit to the court to get familiar with the surroundings. Also, police may ask you to refresh your memory by re-reading your statement and watching the interview they recorded earlier.

You'll meet the prosecuting lawyer who presents the case against the person accused of the crime. They'll explain the court process and discuss how you're going to give evidence.  They can't talk to you about your actual evidence.

"It was 16 months from when I went to the police initially until it went to court. It was a long wait."

- Anonymous victim-survivor

Before trial support options

Pre-trial hearings

Pleading guilty, or not-guilty

Will the defendant be kept in custody?

Types of trial

Ways of giving evidence

Interpreters and assistance 

Your privacy

Continue to The Trial Itself

MYTH: But she was wearing a short skirt, what did she expect to happen?

FACT: Sexual violence is about power and control, not what someone looks like or wears. The victim/survivor is never to blame. Sexual violence is never okay and never the victim's fault.

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