Getting a medical examination. te whai i tētahi tirotirohanga hauora.

If you’ve experienced sexual violence, it’s a really good idea to get a medical examination from a specialist sexual assault medical service. If this happened to you very recently, within the last 2 or 3 weeks, the sooner you get this check-up the better. It’s important because it’s for your health and safety – to ensure you don’t have any physical injuries, and aren’t at risk of a sexually transmitted infection or unwanted pregnancy.

Getting a medical check-up:

If you've contacted police about what happened to you, they can arrange this for you. The examination can also be a chance for the doctor to collect forensic evidence
Various things presented in court to prove an alleged fact i.e videos, witness statements.
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which can be used to help the police find out what happened to you and identify your attacker. 

The doctors and nurses who do these examinations are specially trained to care for people who have experienced sexual violence. They will make the whole process as comfortable as possible for you. How much or little of the examination you choose to have, and whether or not you choose to involve the police, will be entirely up to you.

If you don't want to involve the Police but would like a medical check-up contact Safe to talk.(external link)

What will it cost?

All the services provided are free of charge and that includes any medication you’re given, tests that may be needed, and any follow up appointments.

What will happen?

If you’ve already talked to someone from a sexual assault
Sexual Assault is a broad term used to cover all types of sexual offending, including rape.
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support service or to Police they will have given you some information about what you can expect during the medical examination. If you would like to know more, the following short film shows the medical process:

When you meet the doctor, they’ll explain the process and how they can help you, and will discuss the different options with you. While the thought of the examination might seem scary, the doctor and nurse team care and want the best for you.  They’ll listen to you, answer your questions and respect your choices.  They won’t judge you.

You might not have had a medical examination like this before.  It’s normal to feel embarrassed or whakamā but the doctor and nurse will do everything they can to put you at ease, and you can take a break at any time.

During the actual examination, only the doctor and nurse will be in the room unless you ask for someone else to be there with you. 

Your choices:

Depending on your situation, the doctor will talk to you about the different types of examination - a health and safety check, a more thorough (forensic) examination or a 'just in case' examination.

You can choose what you want to happen during the examination and, in what order.  Nothing will happen without your consent
Giving permission for something to happen. A person doesn't have to verbally say 'no' or fight back to show that they haven't consented.
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and you can change your mind at any time.

It’s your decision, and although whānau and support people can be really helpful, ultimately the choice is yours.

A health and safety check

A more through investigation - includes collecting evidence

A 'just in case' examination

After the examination

Follow up

Keeping evidence safe

Want to talk with someone? Safe to talk is free and confidential.
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